YOUR ROADMAP TO RECOVERY: Navigating the Stages of Change

Jan 12, 2024

So, you're fed up with all the confusing and out-of-date suggestions on how to 'beat addiction'? We're totally with you on that! You'd love to have a simple roadmap that clearly explains what options you have and guides you on how to choose the right one for you. When you've looked into different treatment options that either don't fit with your lifestyle or feel too pricey, it can be overwhelming. The good news is that The TARA Clinic can support you in choosing the right treatment option for you so that your life, finances, and relationships can flourish!

Addiction recovery is a personal journey, and the roadmap to recovery starts with understanding where you're at in your process of change. One helpful framework for this journey is the Stages of Change model. While these stages aren't always linear, they tend to flow in a particular order, making it easier to determine what type of support is best for you at any given time.

Stage 1: Precontemplation

In the precontemplation stage, individuals may not yet recognise or accept that they have an addiction problem. They may not be actively considering change and may resist suggestions or interventions from others. The key in this stage is raising awareness about the issue and its consequences.

Stage 2: Contemplation

During the contemplation stage, individuals are aware of their addiction and are considering making a change but have not committed to it yet. They may weigh the pros and cons of change and often struggle with ambivalence. Support in this stage involves exploring the benefits of change and addressing concerns.

Stage 3: Preparation

In the preparation stage, individuals are actively planning for change. They may be researching treatment options, seeking support, and setting goals for their recovery. It's a crucial stage where the roadmap to recovery starts taking shape.

Stage 4: Action

The action stage involves making specific changes to address the addiction. This may include entering a treatment program, attending therapy, or seeking medical assistance. The action stage is marked by concrete steps towards recovery.

Stage 5: Maintenance

Once individuals have successfully made changes, they enter the maintenance stage. In this phase, the focus is on preventing relapse and sustaining the progress made during the action stage. Building a support network and coping strategies is essential.

Stage 6: Recovery

This stage represents a state of complete confidence in one's ability to maintain recovery. Relapse is unlikely, and individuals feel in control of their recovery.



Understanding which stage of change you are in can greatly assist you in determining the most suitable type of support for your recovery journey. The TARA Clinic and similar facilities specialise in tailoring treatment options to your specific needs, ensuring that your path to recovery is both effective and manageable.

Remember, recovery is a process, and it's okay if you find yourself moving back and forth between these stages. The important thing is to keep moving forward, and with the right support and resources, you can successfully navigate your roadmap to recovery, ultimately leading to a healthier, happier life.