Addiction recovery helps every day life.

How My Addiction Recovery Helped Me Master Discomfort and Win in Life

change triggers Oct 11, 2024

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

When I started my gut healing journey—a seven-month process involving a restrictive diet similar to FODMAP and removing sugar—I expected the road ahead to be challenging. But what surprised me most was how easy the journey has felt, even with my new hobby of baking German cakes in full swing.

What I’ve come to realise is that the tools I mastered during my addiction recovery have naturally made what could have been a difficult process feel manageable, and even enjoyable! The same strategies I teach at The TARA Clinic have not only helped me maintain focus but have also empowered me to turn discomfort into an opportunity for growth.

Key Tools From Addiction Recovery That Make Life Easier

One of the greatest lessons from addiction recovery is learning how to manage feelings of discomfort effectively, and those skills have proven invaluable in every aspect of my life.

Here are the key tools that have helped me overcome challenges in both my personal journey and the programs we offer at The TARA Clinic:

1. Self-Motivation: Staying Committed to the Bigger Picture

The reason I embarked on this gut healing journey was to improve my overall health—reduce food intolerances, inflammation, and excess weight. Whenever I felt frustrated that I couldn’t indulge in the baked treats I was creating, I reminded myself of the bigger picture: I’m doing this for myself and my health. Self-motivation, a core tool I learned in addiction recovery, helped me remember that I wasn’t missing out; I was gaining control over my well-being.

2. Delayed Gratification: Seeing Long-Term Benefits Over Short-Term Comforts

Addiction often leads to seeking instant gratification, but recovery teaches the power of delayed gratification. This gut healing journey is a perfect example of that. While avoiding sugar may feel restrictive at the moment, the long-term benefits far outweigh the temporary discomfort. I know that my body will thank me in the end, just as it did when I embraced recovery from addiction.

Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski shares  a great example of how times of discomfort are triggers and opportunities for growth in the video below. 

3. The 3 D’s: Delay, Distract, Decide – A Daily Practice

One of the tools I use the most during this journey is the “3 D’s”: Delay, Distract, Decide. For me, evenings have been the hardest when it comes to cravings for something sweet. Not only is it a common time for desert, but I also saw my parents indulge in sweet treats at night growing up. So there's another learned behaviour. 

Instead of letting the craving take control of my choices, I use simple distractions like brushing my teeth, making a cup of herbal tea, or even talking to my partner. These small actions create enough space for me to make the best next decision without much effort. It's a skill that has become second nature thanks to recovery.

We have a free mini course on The 3 D's that you can access here to learn how to implement the same tool I've been using. 

4. HALT: Identifying the Real Causes of Cravings

HALT—Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired—is a simple yet powerful tool to address cravings. Most times, my desire for sweets wasn’t about sugar; it was about feeling tired, anxious or bored. By recognising this, I was able to solve the actual issue (resting, hydrating, etc.) rather than masking it with food. This tool is another key life skill I teach at The TARA Clinic because it can make such a difference in managing daily triggers.

A Surprising Moment of Ease in My Journey

Interestingly, one of the moments I thought would be the hardest—baking while not being able to taste the treats—turned out to be easy to manage. I remember vividly standing in the kitchen, whisk in hand, watching the ingredients come together and thinking, “This isn’t fair.” But the moment I noticed that thought, I applied one of my recovery tools: I relaxed my body, dropped my shoulders, and challenged that thought. Who was I doing this for? Why was it important? The answer was simple: I was doing it for me, for my health and my self-care.

In that moment, the sense of lack melted away, and I saw the joy and satisfaction I was gaining from both my gut healing process and my new hobby. What initially felt like deprivation became an opportunity for growth and self-compassion - just like the lobster!

Mastering Discomfort is the Key to Growth

What this journey has shown me—once again—is that mastering discomfort is the key to real, lasting growth. These tools from addiction recovery, the same ones I teach at The TARA Clinic, have made what should have been a challenging journey feel almost effortless. It’s not that the process has been without its hurdles, but the life skills I’ve gained from recovery have allowed me to navigate them smoothly.

At The TARA Clinic, we don’t just focus on stopping addictive behaviours. Our programs help clients build a life that encourages growth, joy, and long-term change. The tools we teach are about more than just managing cravings or resisting temptation—they’re about creating a lifestyle where discomfort leads to new opportunities for freedom, satisfaction, and success.


1. How can recovery tools help in other areas of life?

Recovery tools like self-motivation, delayed gratification, and HALT can help in managing everyday challenges, from diet changes to handling stress. They are life skills that build resilience and help you to take inspired action in your day to day life. 

2. What is the 3 D’s tool in recovery?

The 3 D’s—Delay, Distract, Decide—is a method to help delay impulses, distract yourself from triggers, and make a conscious decision that aligns with your goals.

3. Why is HALT effective in managing cravings?

HALT helps you identify the root cause of cravings by assessing whether you're actually feeling Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired, so you can address the real need instead of acting impulsively.