Answering your frequently asked questions about The TARA Clinic inside.

Sep 12, 2024

We get it, you want to know that the time you put into your recovery will give you the best return on your investment. 

Most of our clients were working full time in their business or have high level C-Suite roles in larger corporations and didn't believe they had the time to commit to a recovery plan. Yet once they realised how the skills they're learning are fully transferrable into their work, relationships, and money management, their programs with The TARA Clinic became the most prioritised 1-2 hours in their week! 

Answering your questions

Over the past 7 years I have heard a number of common questions from people making the decision to join The TARA Clinic. So, I decided to write out the top 5 questions we tend to receive so that you have the opportunity to book your call knowing you are making the right choice. 

1. How much time do I need to put in each week?

Busy people ask busy questions. Here's the interesting part - when you start implementing the tools and strategies we teach in our 3-Step Blueprint, you will find you actually have so much more time and availability in your week. 

The minimum time required to complete The TARA Clinic programs is 90 minutes a week. This is broken into:

i. One 45-50 minute session with your Primary Therapist,

ii. Between 10-25 minutes to watch your online learning core module, and 

iii. At least 10 minutes practicing the implementation of the tool.

Though we have found that most people realise they were filling their days with chaos, mess, and unnecessary headaches in order to facilitate a lifestyle that needed an escape. Once you declutter your life of the chaos and avoidance, the next challenge often is how to overcome feelings of boredom! 

The good news is in the Empowered Recovery® program, we demonstrate how you can build the full, rich and meaningful life you've always wanted inside the space created by the decluttering. So the discomfort of boredom is quickly overtaken by the joy and success you've been striving for. 

1.a). Can I stop early?

Addiction has taught your brain to expect and desire Instant Gratification. That means that the moment you think you aren't as bad as you were before, it is likely you will want to stop the program. 

I will always recommend you to complete the full program structure, though if you have chosen to complete the program on monthly instalments then you can cancel at any time by providing 4 weeks written notice. 

At The TARA Clinic, we don't tell you what to do because we know you are the expert on your life. Though I do know that those people who complete the program in full are the clients who have maintained their recovery for years after finishing up with us. 

2. Will you involve my family/partner in my plan?

One of the most helpful things you can do in early recovery (the first 12-months of change) is to recruit as many people onto your team as possible. That means having support from your loved ones or those close to you can be a huge advantage to the recovery process. 

When you register for The TARA Clinic programs, we will provide a handout to your current treating team (your GP or Psychiatrist etc) and to your nominated support person (your partner, family member, close friend). This handout will clearly outline the process you are embarking on, and how they can support you along the way.

We also have bespoke Family Support Programs for loved ones who want to learn more and deep dive into how they can support themselves and you in the process. 

If you have a loved one who is struggling with addiction and isn't quite ready to make a change, you can complete The TARA Clinic's Family Support Program yourself. Simply book in a call to get the ball rolling. 

3. Why would The TARA Clinic programs work when everything else I have tried hasn't?

One of the biggest misconceptions in addiction treatment is that stopping should be the goal. This is usually why people relapse so often, they are focused on the wrong issue. 

At The TARA Clinic rather than teaching you how to merely stop, we focus on what to put into your life that makes it a place you no longer need to escape from!

Our goal for you is to redefine the nature of your relationship with the substance or behaviour you are struggling with. That way you won't need to fear a relapse because you will understand the driver behind the behaviour and solve for that issue instead. 

 Once you understand the reasons for the underlying issues (such as stress, anxiety, trauma, depression, isolation, etc) then you can focus your efforts on solving that issue specifically. Then, almost by default, the addictive behaviour will drop out of your life and no longer control you. 

4. When will I know I am in recovery?

One thing that addiction has become really good at in your life is telling you what you need to hear so that it get's it's needs met over yours.

An example would be that addiction will whisper to you "You've done so well not drinking all week! You deserve a drink to celebrate your hard work!". When you look at it on paper you can see how sneaky it is, right? 

The research has shown that between 12-18 months of active work in addiction is the best predictor of lasting change. The term "active work" is linked to the Action Stage of Change, which is the 4th Stage of Change. 

To give you a quick breakdown, here are the Stages of Change:

1. Pre-Contemplation - Where you don't believe there is a problem, or you don't believe there is a solution. Both of which result in no changes in behaviour. 

2. Contemplation - Here, you've acknowledged there may be a problem (or a solution to your problem), though you are not ready yet to do anything about it yet. 

3. Preparation - It's become clear to you that there is a problem, and you are exploring the options available to you in principle. 

4. Action - This is where the rubber meets the road and you start gaining traction because you are actively starting to implement the changes needed in order to overcome the issue. 

5. Maintenance - Often the longest Stage of Change, Maintenance is where your life has changed significantly and now time is needed to find the subtle unhelpful patterns in your behaviour that would be missed in short term treatment. 

6. Recovery - Swinging out of the cycle is often unnoticed, though is characterised by there being no further desire or fears surrounding the addictive behaviour any longer as you have completely redefined the nature of your relationship to that thing. 

At The TARA Clinic, we accept people into our programs no earlier than the Preparation Stage of Change. Most clients who are accepted into The TARA Clinic progress from the Preparation to the Action Stage of Change within the Recovery Essentials program and often move into Maintenance early in Empowered Recovery®.

Most of the time, our clients reach Recovery around the end of their Empowered Recovery® program. That is why I designed the 3-Stage Blueprint of The TARA Clinic programs to support a client, who is ready and actively engaged in the process, throughout their change journey. It ensures that, no matter what stage you are in, you have support and professional guidance to keep you on the path to reach your goals!

5. How quickly can I get started?

Now that you've decided The TARA Clinic is the right place for you, all you need to do is book a call through The TARA Clinic website at a time that suits you. Myself, or my team, will take the time to truly understand what your concerns and goals are and show you the path to your success. 

Spaces are limited to availability, so don't wait till you've hit rick bottom to take the step to change your life. Book a call with us now and find the freedom you truly crave.